Matthew Hipkin
Recursively count files with Delphi or FreePascal
procedure DoCount(mask: String; inDir: String; var filecount: Integer); var s: TSearchRec; begin writeln('Searching for ',mask,' in ',inDir); if FindFirst(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(inDir) + '*',faAnyFile, s) = 0 then begin repeat if (s.Attr and faDirectory) <> faDirectory then begin if (Lowercase(ExtractFileExt(s.Name)) = Lowercase(ExtractFileExt(mask))) or (mask = '*.*') then begin inc(filecount); end; end; if (s.Name <> '.') and (s.Name <> '..') and ((s.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) then begin DoCount(mask, IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(inDir) + s.Name, filecount); end; until FindNext(s) <> 0; end; FindClose(s); end;
Usage is simple: search for mask in inDir, storing the count in filecount.
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