Matthew Hipkin
Follow HTTP redirects using Ararat Synapse
Here is a nice and simple way to follow HTTP redirects using the Ararat Synapse THTTPSend class.
program followredirect; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses Classes, SysUtils, httpsend; function HTTPGet(URL: String; UserAgent: String): String; var HTTP: THTTPSend; l: TStrings; i: Integer; realurl: String; begin // Setup HTTP := THTTPSend.Create; HTTP.UserAgent := UserAgent; realurl := ''; l := TStringList.Create; // Perform HTTP request if HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', URL) then begin // If its a 301 or 302 we need to do more processing if (HTTP.ResultCode = 301) or (HTTP.ResultCode = 302) then begin // Check the headers for the Location header for i := 0 to HTTP.Headers.Count -1 do begin // Extract the URL if Copy(HTTP.Headers[i], 1, 8) = 'Location' then realurl := Copy(HTTP.Headers[i], 11, Length(HTTP.Headers[i]) - 11); end; writeln('Redirecting to ', realurl); // If we have a URL, run it through the same function if Length(realurl) > 1 then l.Text := HTTPGet(realurl, UserAgent); end else l.LoadFromStream(Http.Document); end; // Return result Result := l.Text; // Clean up HTTP.Free; l.Free; end; procedure main; var response: String; url: String; begin url := ''; writeln('Checking ', url); response := HTTPGet(url, 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD amd64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0'); //writeln(response); end; begin main; end.
Tested with FreePascal 3.0.0 but should work fine on Delphi.
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