Matthew Hipkin
Convert between TColor and CMYK with Delphi and Lazarus
Converting between a TColor and CMYK is a pretty easy process, first up you need to specify a record type to hold the CMYK values:
type TCMYKColor = record C: Double; M: Double; Y: Double; K: Double; end;
Using this formula we can convert the RGB into CMYK with the following function.
function RGBToCMYK(c: TColor): TCMYKColor; var r,g,b,k: Double; begin r := 1 - (Red(c) / 255); g := 1 - (Green(c) / 255); b := 1 - (Blue(c) / 255); k := min(r,min(g,b)); if c = 0 then begin Result.C := 0.00; Result.M := 0.00; Result.Y := 0.00; Result.K := 1.00; end else begin Result.C := (r - k) / (1 - k); Result.M := (g - k) / (1 - k); Result.Y := (b - k) / (1 - k); Result.K := k; end; end;
And then back again with this one.
function CMYKToRGB(c: TCMYKColor): TColor; var r,g,b: Byte; begin r := Round(255 * (1-c.C) * (1-c.K)); g := Round(255 * (1-c.M) * (1-c.K)); b := Round(255 * (1-c.Y) * (1-c.K)); Result := RGBToColor(r,g,b); // Delphi users should use the RGB() function instead end;
To display the CMYK value as a string, a simple helper function:
function CMYKToString(c: TCMYKColor): String; begin Result := FloatToStrF(c.C, ffGeneral, 3, 3); Result := Result + ','; Result := Result + FloatToStrF(c.M, ffGeneral, 3, 3); Result := Result + ','; Result := Result + FloatToStrF(c.Y, ffGeneral, 3, 3); Result := Result + ','; Result := Result + FloatToStrF(c.K, ffGeneral, 3, 3); end;
You can download the full unit here.
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